Can Adults Really Maintain a Child-Like Innocence?
Children laugh, cry, and observe. But, arguably, one of the most valuable qualities that children possess is their ability to appreciate. Their innocence incepted at birth reigns clear throughout their maturation process. Their excitement is palpable over seemingly mundane objects, festivities, and games. Playing with everything and anything, they see beauty in the colorless, wisdom in the speechless, and calm in the chaos. Witnesses to everything that life has to offer and yet challenged as their capacity for comprehension is limited, children can serve to remind ourselves of a time when we, too, saw the world differently.
When we feel overwhelmed and burdened by the life we find ourselves living as adults, we can often lose sight of the true meaning behind why and what we choose to do, how we choose to react, and with whom we choose to share our precious time. It’s easy to forget about the control we have in living life on purpose and appreciating the long days that make up very short years. When questioned about how some people in the elderly population have been able to survive as long as they have, a common answer is, "I didn't let myself get old."
Beyond the scope of disease, accidents, and depression, the will to survive the mounting stress and obstacles that often drives the adult population to give up on the beauty in life in many arenas in their lives, exists the power to maintain a child-like innocence without deceptively convincing oneself they are invincible. Children fight to be independent while learning about the challenges to achieving their desired outcomes in real time — and they persevere. There are real threats in our world, small and large, and yet the ability to tap into what I call our evolved, sophisticated naivety can be paramount in managing the ups and downs of this life.
Is your evolved, sophisticated naivety within reach? Do you think it's worthwhile to find and tap into it?